Thursday, December 7, 2006

Sarah Starts Climb Up Mt. Everest

I think we would all agree that Sarah certainly has a knack for adding cheer and love to every gathering - and she is doing it again today. Just got off the phone with her dad, and our champion continues her climb on what her docs have categorized as her own personal Mt. Everest. I think it is safe to say, that Sarah has definintely left the base camp!

Just like climbing the mountain in real life is a treacherous, arduous endeavor, Sarah's struggle will be filled with many up and downs. The update below from her mom Brigid shows some of this, but since then the news is pretty good.

Sarah's arhythmia is not viewed as a major concern today and she is in fact in surgery now to fix her broken jaw. But Sarah was taken off the ventilator machine last night and is breathing on her own. ( I almost can't believe that!) They were also able to take off the neck brace - another good sign. Brigid and Marc just had an update with the good Dr. Maffei (the intensivist and quarterback) He is pleased with her progress, and so is the ID doc (infectious disorder?) There are times in the day now where she is trying to open her eyes (huge!) and she is moving around more. Last night the docs were (finally) able to get her an MRI, and while I don't have a comprehensive summary of their findings, I did not hear that they were too alarmed. There is a little spot that supposedly could account for the (relative) slowness of movement in certain areas, but therapy should be able to help with that.

I want to be careful as to how any news of Sarah's progress is reported to everyone -she still has a long climb. But on this day where we will be gathering to celebrate another life, these reports of Sarah's progress are truly uplifting. Her timing is excellent.
(Uncle John)

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